Thursday, July 4, 2019

Classical Sociological Theories - Syllabus

1.     To acquaint the students with the classical sociological writings by thinkers to develop basic theoretical insights and to analyse theories from a conceptual perspective and its application in society.

Unit –I                                                                                                                          (10 Hours)

Origins of Sociological Theory -Social thought prior to the emergence of sociology - Socio-political, Economic, Intellectual and  Philosophical   forces   in  the   rise   of sociological theory: Enlightenment, Progress, Capitalism, modernism, evolutionism –

Unit – II                                                                                                                        (10 Hours)
AugusComte SociologyandSociaScienceshierarchofsciencesLaoThreeStagesSociachangeIndustriasociety,PositivismCritical Evaluation: Eurocentrism

Unit – III                                                                                                                       (10 Hours)
Karl Marx (1818-1883): Marx’s Methodology: Dialectics, Principles and Laws - Historical Materialism: Mode of Production - Basic Structure and Superstructure; Stages of development of human society. Theory of Classes and Class Struggle -Marx’s theory of Surplus Value; Theory of Alienation - Critical Evaluation

Unit – IV                                                                                                                  (10 Hours)
Emile Durkheim (1858-1917): Concept of Social Fact; Methodological Rules - Division   of  Labour: Transition from Mechanical  to Organic Solidarity - Explanation of Division of Labour in terms of its causes and functions; Pathological Forms of Division of Labour. Theory of Suicide: Durkheim’s definition of suicide, Rate of suicide, Theoretical explanation of suicide. Theory of Religion: Definition of religion, Analysis of Totemism, Social functions of religion - Critical Evaluation.

Unit – V                                                                                                                        (10 Hours)
Max Weber (1864-1920) Weber’s Methodological Approach: Sociology as an Interpretative science; ‘Verstehen’ and ‘Ideal Types’ Social Action: Concept and Types The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism -Weber’s Theory of Authority: ‘Power’ and ‘Authority’ -Types of Authority – Critical Evaluation.      

  1. Robert.S.Nisbet, Sociological Tradition, University of Colombia Press, 1978.
  2. Aron.RMain currents in Sociological theories.  New York: Double Day (Volume2), 1990
  3. Srivastava.. R.S, Traditions in sociological theory.  Jaipur: Rawat Publications. 1998
  4. Francis: Sociological Theories: Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2001
  5. Turner. H: The structure of Sociological Theory: Illinois, Jonathan Dorsey Press Homewood, 2002 (B.T.B.).
  6. Doshi.S.L.-Modernity. Post modernity and neo sociological theories – Rawat Publications, Jaipur and New Delhi, 2003
  7. Coser.L. Masters of sociological thought: New York: Mac Millan, 2004
  8. Parsons.T, The structure of social action, McGraw Hill, New York, 2004
  9. Francis Abraham &J.H.Morgan - Sociological Thought-Mac Millan India, New Delhi, 2006.

Learning Outcome:

  1. The Students will be able to comprehend Origins of Sociological Theories
  2. The Students will have a clear understanding on Karl Marx and his contributions.
3.    The Students will be able to appreciate the contribution of Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Vilfredo Pareto as well as Simmel.